
Profiles of Success

Education, Military, Sales


Our background before PPLSI was in education, insurance and marketing. Since the 1980s, Lana and I have worked together and have truly enjoyed continuing that relationship with PPLSI.

Before PPLSI, we were living a good life, until the “corporate takeover” started. We were left wondering, “What happened?” We now have more control of our business life with an income that accumulates with our renewals. PPLSI became a part of our lives when a business associate introduced Lana to the opportunity. We are like so many other people. PPLSI came to us at the right time and the right place in our lives. If it has worked for us, it will work for others. We are working every day to leverage our team and ourselves throughout the country.

The PPLSI opportunity has given us greater opportunity to spend time with our children and grandchildren. We have three children — two sons and a daughter. Marcus and his wife, Dena, are the parents of Andrew, Macy and Morgan. Gaylon and his wife, Brandi, are the parents of Kobe, Logan and Max, and Scarlett and her husband, Sarge, are the parents of Hunter and Haley. Our children are a blessing from God. Our “why” has always been our family and the other families that we are fortunate enough to help.

We owe our success to more people than we can list here. We are very thankful to God for His care and for answering our prayers. Because we came from a group marketing background, we decided to go straight into the group marketing side of PPLSI. Kathryn Walden was our first exposure to group marketing, which was a real treat for us. Every person in business needs a mentor to have any hope of success. From the beginning, our mentor has been Mark Brown. He has always been there for us when we needed help. As we work toward the Platinum Executive Director level, we are also trying to work in all facets of PPLSI. We try to be full-service associates. We love this opportunity to help people and help ourselves make a better life.

We are making a living and making a difference. Our goal is to be financially secure, while making a difference.

Our greatest accomplishments in PPLSI have been earning our PPLSI Ring and the friendships we have made throughout our PPLSI family. Our goals are to increase our group business, keep recruiting to make us solid Platinum Executive Directors and earn our next PPLSI Ring. May God bless us all while we work toward our goals.